Add an awi Web Service Data Source

To add an awi Web Service data source:

Choose New Data Source from the Project group of the Ribbon's Home tab. This will display a sub-menu of the different data source types.

Choose AWI Web Service.

The New AWI Web Service Data Source dialog box will be displayed.

Enter a name for this Data Source in the Name field. This name is used to reference the Data Source within your Project.

In the XML Schema field, enter the path and file name of an XML schema that describes the XML format of the data required by the web service transaction you want to use for this Data Source or click on the browse button, Picture showing the Browse Button., to browse for the file.

Both XML and XML schema files are supported.

Alternatively, if you don't have an existing XML Schema file, you can use the Wizard button to create one manually. The wizard can also produce an asp file which can be used as a template from which to create your transaction when using Digitise Apps in conjunction with NDL's Robotic Process Automation toolkit.

Enter a URL for the awi Web Service location, such as http://myserver/awiwebservice2.asmx, or click on the browse button, Picture showing a Browse button., to browse for a WSDL file containing the required location.

Enter the name of a Transaction supported by the awi Web Service.

When you have finished, click on the OK button.

Your awi Web Service will now be listed in the Data Sources Pane – click on the Data Sources tab to display this pane if it isn't already in view. A new window will also appear in the Workspace, showing a tree view of your XML schema, looking something like this:

Picture showing the Workspace displaying an XML schema describing the data format for a transaction supported by the awi web Service this Data Source will connect to.

At the top of the tree, the 'Data Source node' is the name you gave this Data Source and branching off below this are sub-nodes representing the various elements of the schema. Double-click on a node to expand it and display the fields within it and double-click on the caption bar at the top of the list to hide the fields again. Alternatively, you can toggle the display of the node fields by clicking on the Arrow symbol to the right of a node name or right-clicking on a node name and choosing Expand from the context menu.

You now need to select those elements which you want to use within your Project. You do this in basically the same way as described for Database Data Sources except that you will be mapping XML elements rather than database columns.

Note, however, that you can only map elements from a SINGLE table; you cannot mix elements from multiple tables when using an awi Web Service as your Data Source.

Once you have mapped one or more XML elements, these elements will be displayed in the Data Sources Pane underneath the name you gave to this Data Source earlier in the New AWI Web Service Data Source dialog box. Clicking on a node in the tree view in the Data Sources Pane will display the Properties for that node in the Properties Pane. Editable Properties are displayed in black. Those which can't be edited are displayed in grey.

The following table lists some of the main Properties available for the different nodes:

  • Once you have published an app you can change some of the above Properties, such as the URL, Username, Password and Timeout values, on the App Server using the App Manager utility allowing you to easily modify the connection details without having to change your app. For example, you can use this feature to change between live and test data sources. You can also change these same values programmatically within your Scripts, allowing you to include connection options within an app.